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You now have 120 Minutes to seek a Refund for Premium Play Store Apps

[Image] Request a Play Store Refund

Google has now made it official for users of the Play Store to seek refunds for premium Apps within 2 hours (120 Minutes) of their purchase.

The Play Store refund period for paid Apps was initially set at 15 minutes and Google had extended the period unofficially to two hours about a month ago.

Most Play Store users aren’t actually aware that they can seek refunds for Applications and Games that fail to impress.

The two hour period to seek a refund is more than enough to go through the features of an App or Game and decide on whether you will still want to keep it.

[Image] Request a Play Store Refund

The Refund Button remains active for 7200 seconds and automatically becomes inactive after the time elapses. Google will also automatically uninstall the App once your request for a refund goes through.

To keep it fair to developers, Google will only allow you to seek a refund for one particular App once and subsequent purchase of the same App invalidates your right to seek a refund.

A longer refund period doesn’t not only insulate you from bogus premium Apps but also gives you the opportunity to correct erroneous App purchases by your kids or friends.

This is apparently a huge concern for many and Google recently had to refund about $19 Million for such purchases.

Closely Related: Google implements instant refunds for Apps Purchase from the Play Store

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