Tech News

WhatsApp has begun testing the ‘unlock with fingerprint’ feature on Android


You could soon have the option to unlock WhatsApp with your fingerprint. This is after WhatsApp began testing the feature on the beta version of its Android App.

The unlock with fingerprint feature debuted on iOS on February this year and thus is just about time the feature became available on Android smartphones.

Once the feature is enabled, you will have to authenticate your access every time you launch the app. This gives you an extra layer of protection that is above the normal screen lock security option.

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WhatsApp will, however, give you the option of when you would like to re-enable the authentication. You can choose the re-enable to lock immediately, after one minute or after thirty minutes.

There is no definite timeline as to when the feature will become available version on the stable version. However, if you want to access the feature right now, uninstall the version you have on your smartphone and install the beta version.

Disclaimer: It’s a beta version, therefore, there might be some performance issues.


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