Tech News

TikTok rolls out a feature that will call out cyberbullies who intend to post nasty comments on the platform


Cyberbullying has been a thorn in the flesh, especially for video-related social media platforms. That’s why TikTok is rolling out two new features that will combat the menace once and for all. One of the two features includes a Filter All Comments option and the other is a new ‘promote kindness’ prompt.

The new Filter All Comments feature gives Creators more control over their content as they decide which comments appear and which ones don’t. Under the comment filter menu, users can also choose to filter and spam offensive comments and keywords.

So, cyberbullies can take their hate elsewhere because, when the feature is enabled, comments aren’t displayed unless the user approves them.

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TikTok also announced they are working with the Cyberbullying Research Center to develop research on cyberbullying and related forms of abuse on the platform.

In addition to the Filter All Comments feature, the new ‘unkind’ warning asks people to reconsider their comments that TikTok deems inappropriate. The platform also reminds you about their Community Guidelines and allows you to edit the comment before posting.

We saw Instagram rolling out similar prompts and they reported that these types of nudges work and can encourage people to reconsider their choice of words when given a chance.

All these are part of TikTok’s goal which is to promote a positive social media environment and foster kindness in the community.

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